Lessons From My First 24 Years of life

Within a little bit of time, I hit the milestone of turning 25. Most birthdays I do not get nervous over getting older or what comes next. This one though marks my walking the planet for a quarter of a century. Along the way I have made mistakes and discovered new ideas or ways of life. There have been plenty of lessons made but below I have written my top five.


Just Try

As a child, I got scared easily of trying new food or hobbies.I had people in my environment would tell me what was good or bad for you. So I in turn would think the same and never go out of my comfort zone. I will tell you, it get’s you nowhere. How does one learn if you like sushi or enjoy horseback riding if you never try. I have tried and failed at job interviews or auditioning but at least I made an attempt. All you can ever do is try and see.

Laughing at Myself

For me, I was always very hard on and judge myself. I still am to a certain degree. This came I believe from being in the performance realm of being judged or critiqued. If I eve said something that didn’t come out right or a bad joke I’d internally scold myself instead of shaking it off with a smile. Whenever I trip up the stairs, which happens a decent amount, I get teary eyed and embarrassed. After many years I finally told myself its okay to look silly or mess something up. You cannot take yourself to seriously. If you laugh you won’t internalize it as a mistake. If I drop a book i’m grabbing off a shelf, laughing I say to myself “nice try”.

Not Everyone Will Like You

I feel as if we hear this topic many times over and over again. To me I have always floated from group to group of friends. I got along with many people in my school years. Then of course there have been a handful of those who would tear me down. It may have been jealousy or not agreeing with my way of thinking. I would get frustrated and cry because as a child I did not understand why. Sometimes I gave up my passions and hobbies. By senior year in college I realized, no matter what, others will judge and comment negatively. Yet I there will be others who agree or support you. You should never give up what makes you happy.

Follow Your Intuition

I would listen to my gut for decisions during childhood years. Growing up I dimmed it out and listened to what was “logical” from outside sources. Which would lead me to feeling that I was not following my passions. Living in my head was not a healthy place for I thought things. In acting most of your work comes from instinct and seeing where it leads you. If your body says go move to the right, just do it. Do not think about whether it makes sense or if others understand at first. By the end of college I was able to rewire my body to listening to it. If following one path feels better than another go with the instinct. Your gut and heart know where to take you.

Be Authentic

Many times over the years I would hide behind what I thought was socially acceptable. Whether that be trying to follow trends of fashion or listening to certain music. I was trying to conform to what was the “norm” at the time. Inside I knew that I liked wearing black more or having a bohemian brain, yet no one in my immediate surroundings seemed to approve. Many times I envied others who were confident with their sense of style or passions. It had taken me up to junior year of college to finally just screw it. I decided that if did not dress how I wanted or follow my dreams I will regret it all by 30. That if I never lived what is authentically me, I would feel that missed out on so much. It was as if I gave myself freedom to be me. It is okay to be you.

These five key lessons I feel sum up the first 24 years of my life. I had self destructive thoughts which honestly held me back from living. Sitting here writing this, I smile at how far I have come and knowing I have more to go. My advice is be you and follow your own path. Only you know what is best. It’s okay to ask for help or advice if need be. I know I have listened to people I trust that have taught me many things on my journey.

Here’s to the last few years of my twenties before I adventure into the thirties.

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