How I Journal

During my childhood I would always be writing in notebooks about life adventures and silly moments . I recently came across one at age ten describing how I learned to ride a bike without training wheels. Little me was so proud of my accomplishment! As I got older I went away from writing in a diary and did not pick one up till college. The way I journal from a child to now has changed since I separate them by everyday life, inspiration and travel.


For my everyday life, I write in one as if I am sending a letter to a pen pal. Having it in a story teller fashion I find it easier to let my thoughts flow. Even though I write in that format, it feels as if I am having a conversation to a close friend. During my college years I had experiences of good and bad. One part of that journal was the burnout I had from senior year of college till recently. I was not listening to my body and spreading myself everywhere from school, work, and performances. After my final show I was in, I broke down. Feeling like an empty shell that had no direction. I gave away so much of me that I had felt empty. That is when I turned fully back into writing in a journal. Putting in all the feelings and thoughts to process what I can do or change for myself. To find where certain things lived with in me and to follow any new ideas I had. When re-reading the entries from two years ago to the current one’s,I feel happy at the progress of my journey following my passions.

One of the larger journals I have is used to store inspiration. From quotes to goals I have fill the pages. On a previous post I have shared a few of my favorite quotes that I have jotted down. I try to put as much positive energy that I can inside this journal. You could say that I use it as a vision board of sorts in the content. This is where I try to formulate ideas on life direction. I only put what inspires me to create or where I want to travel in a sentence. Every once in a while I look back and write in a thank you to myself for everything I inspire to be. I like to call this one my book of magic!

My third journal is normally a smaller in size to put in my purse. I take it on trips to jot down ideas for books, a random thought, and travel experiences. Another way I use this journal is to bullet point down any historical topic that sparks my interest. When traveling on road trips, my mom would pull of at information centers to pick up pamphlets full of what is in the area. She did this for my sister and I to have something to occupy us during the trip. I personally feel that is where some of my love for history started. Reading about the local history and stories of the town we were driving through if I enjoyed them I would note it down. Once at home I would research to fill my brain with the facts. Overall it is one of my messier journals and occasionally cannot even decipher what I have written.

I do take breaks from writing down my thoughts and inspirations from time to time. There are moments I where I feel compelled to write and others I do not. After I finish all pages in one journal, I go through it to reflect on lessons learned or topics that fascinated me. When I feel it is time to get rid of it I either burn the pages or shred them. It feels cathartic by accepting what has happened and that I have grown from those moments. I encourage you to have a journal if you feel called to. It has helped me process so many thoughts and decisions. All I can say is that it has been a part of my growth expressing myself on paper and seeing where I was seven years ago to now. You do not have to write in one everyday. Have one for inspiration or make photo album of memories instead. Let me know in the comments about your thoughts keeping one or if you have a certain way of writing in a journal!