Bullet Journaling

A few posts ago I mentioned this year I began to use a bullet journal. This is a form of jorurnaling to organize and keep on track with current and upcoming projects or daily activities, created by Ryder Carroll. People have used this method for different reasons. Some ways are for tracking bills, goals and to instill habits. I never thought that this method could work for me and seemed a little daunting. What I mean is that many times I have forget to check off boxes on my to do list. As well as I had a hard time following through with making sure I went through with plans or self care habits.

After many months, I decided to give it a try and get myself organized. It is honestly is easy to create. As of the moment I am using the graph grid in my planner to bullet everything. With markers or pens I outline boxes to the amount of days in the current month. In the pictures, I classify what habits I need to complete. I have daily email check, vitamin and exercise. Once I complete each task I fill them in for that day. Depending on the month I may or may not have more categories such as writing for other projects.

I have enjoyed so far the experience of using this method to schedule my life. This keeps me accountable and responsible with making sure I stick to healthy habits as well as work related columns. I have noticed that I have been more productive and get excited when I color in the task done. As of this moment I plan to keep with this way of journalism. I hope to broaden my current sections from daily to more life long goals in the future.

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